Monday, October 3, 2011


Toady's the day we all start a week where we don't want to do anything because the weekend was so great with friends, family, boyfriend, and others who you don't know (its nice to say something else besides family and friends). Well that was definitely my weekend of adventure getting to deal with my boyfriends family drama which is alright for me but then I start thinking about my friends watching their life's going great on facebook watching all of them starting their life's when it comes to the real world falling in love and getting married. I love to see the colors and the looks of their faces that they finally don't have to worry about being careful about everything such as breaking up, looking beautiful( I actually wont complain so much about this because I can go both ways), going to church with faith(entering more of the temple), and NOT living with their parents:). Haha Not that I don't love living with  my parents I just really want to live in the real world already although that means more responsibility. I just hope the day when I graduate and able to maintain a job to look amazing to my fashion by graduating from a fashion school and have the best husband in the world and to be able to call husband besides boyfriend one day. Hopefully time moves on quickly to have that wonderful proposal of getting married to the one I love for eternity. In the mean time I will be patient and loving and waiting for him to have success in life mutually. I love him dearly and the wait will be worth it in the ending because we both will be able to handle many things already. I love him!